Welcome to Deep Time

Explore some stories about time and dreaming and memory.

Pyramids built

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Eclipse of the sun

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Canoes in Canberra

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Murujuga seas

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Budj Bim eel traps

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Boonwurrung walking journey

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Navigation and star maps

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Wardaman navigation

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Nyoongar kinship

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Mammoth Cave megafauna

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Moon and Possum Dreaming story

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Gurindji walk off

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Mabo decision

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NT sea country rights

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Bunya Peoples grasslands fire management

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Boonwurrung Melbourne seasons

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Budj Bim stone huts

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Lore segue

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Fire stick farming

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Gadigal fisherwomen

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Tiwi islands creation story

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The stars

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Pearl shell trade

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Sea level drops

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Open air camps

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Port Phillip Bay Wurundjeri

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Seasonal calendar Nyoongar

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Uluru Statement

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Lightning Brothers

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Narrabeen man killed

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Roonka Flat cemetery

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Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Royal Commission

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Dharawal fireplace

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Jabreen honey dreaming

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Quinkan rock art

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Racial Discrimination Act passed

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Flinders island occupation ceases

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Victorian volcano eruption and tsunami

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Dinosaur dreaming tracks

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Knives and beads

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Buddhist scriptures written

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Rottnest Island seas

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1967 referendum

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Scar trees of Wakka Wakka County

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NT Intervention

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Gulf of Carpentaria fish traps

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Yolngu Venus ceremony

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Budj Bim volcano erupts

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Populations die out

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Wardaman Creation Ancestors

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Yolgnu Moon and tides

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Zaglossus hacketti

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Glaciers in Tasmania

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Colosseum built

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Seasonal calendars

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Mabuiag Island game Kolap

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Brewarrina fish traps

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Saga of Kuyam

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Sealer and whaler women

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Ice age peaks

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Seven sisters story segue

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South Sea Islander slave trade recognised

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Bush University

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Moon Rock

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Lake Boort

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Sea level rise segue

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Gippsland seas

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50000 years ago

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Mungo Lady reveals herself

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Pilbara garden terrace

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Earliest bread bakers

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Boonwurrung early contact

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The Diprotodon

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Complex trade routes segue

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Bunya Nut food source

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Megafauna continued

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Kinrara volcano

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Earliest human faces in painting

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Managing the land

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Dolphins help with fishing

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Rome founded

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Cook pulls into Botany Bay

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Stolen Generations

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Megafauna dies out

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Land bridge forms

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Parthenon construction begins

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Bonyi Biar peak

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Genyornis newtoni

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Whales helping with hunting

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Moon lagoon

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New Guinea and Torres Strait separate

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60000 years ago

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Rosemary Island stone huts

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Referendum / announcement

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Ice age begins

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Emu in the sky Wiradjuri

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Spear fishing

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The dingo arrives

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National Apology

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Great Barrier Reef watercraft

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Marwurrumburr, Thylacoleo carnifex

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Wirangu Seven Sisters

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Canberra meeting place

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Sea levels rise

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Willandra Lakes dry up

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Nyoongar sea level rise

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Coming of the light

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Torres Strait Islands form

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Murujuga megafauna engravings

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Wardaman songlines

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Frontier Wars

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Wardanam seasonal calendar

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Makassan/Macassan trade

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First contact art

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Law keeper rock

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SA bird hunting

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Barrow Island cave

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Uluru handed back to Traditional Owners

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Stonehenge built

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Mining and medicine

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Bible written

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Dhakkin Rainbow Serpent

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Giant freshwater crocs

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Madjebe rock shelter

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Gubullamunda dreaming

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Nyoongar ice age

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Land connected

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Dampier visits Australia

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People abandon Ngarrabullgan

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Willandra Lakes footprints

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Flinders island occupied

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Whitsunday Island life

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Reconciliation walk 2000

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Eumeralla war begins

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30,000 years ago

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Torres Strait banana cultivation

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Sea levels rise rapidly

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Varanus priscus

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Message sticks

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Emu in the sky Murujuga

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People live with megafauna

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Torres Strait named

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Nyoongar creation story

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Quran written

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5,000 years ago

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New Guinea farming

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Hafted axes

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Canoes in Canberra

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Salisbury Island cave

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Division of country

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Gulf of Carpentaria sea level rise

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10,000 years ago

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National Sorry Day

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Bonyi Bonyi (Bunya gathering)

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Population thrives

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Bass Strait fills

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Murujuga gallery

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Ice age ends

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Warrane Creation Story

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Pilbara creation story

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Emu in the sky segue

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Long-armed kangaroo

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Possum skin cloaks

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Procoptodon goliah

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Fishing techniques

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Bundian Way pathway

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Port Phillip Bay Boonwurrung

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20,000 years ago

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Parts of Tasmania abandoned

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Hunting sustainability

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Old man emu

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Tasmania cut off

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Galileo builds telescope

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Earliest bird stencils

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Njaki Njaki Moulyk Dreaming

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First Fleet arrives

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Reef islands form

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Seven sisters Nyoongar

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Nyoongar totems

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Mungo Man and Mungo Lady traditional burial

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Djankawu seas

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Before earliest point in timeline

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First World War

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Occupation of new land

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