Gulf of Carpentaria sea level rise

**NOT SUBBED ** A great gulf is formed on the north of the continent, after a huge lake within the land bridge to New Guinea is covered by the rising seas.

This will become known as The Gulf of Carpentaria.

The Thuwathu-Bujimulla/Wellesley Islands are formed when a ‘seagull woman’ named Garnguur discovers her husband Crane was unfaithful.

At first, he was a good husband, but then he went wrong.

Crane was adulterous.

He went out hunting, but he was actually seeing another woman.

Sometimes, he didn’t bring back food for her and the baby and the seagull got tired of this.

She says “my husband never helps me. I struggle with my baby and my raft”.

So she cut out the Islands by putting her baby on a raft and pulling her raft backwards and forwards to make the sea rise.

She got her own bushfood from the Islands that she’d made from cutting up the mainland area.

When the crane came back, he could not find them.

He was stranded.

She punished her husband for not helping and put a curse on the old crane.

His punishment is that he can’t fly properly now.

Crane stays around the shallow water now, you won’t catch him in the deeper waters. Seagull, she can fly, swim and hunt in saltwater.

Tullberra Island/Reef (white man name) is where she finished up, and is still rests there. She can be seen at low tide.

It will become a big ceremony ground and initiation place where only men can go.

The story teaches women to be strong, look after themselves and their children and reminds young people of their family responsibility.