Wardanam seasonal calendar

On Wardaman country there are four patterns in the seasonal calendar, guided by the plants, the animals and the stars, like the changing position of the Southern Cross.   

The weather's connected to the creator spirits Nardi, Rainbow Gorrondolmi and the children of the Lightning because of all the songs they made.

In the Creation Time, Buwarraja, as the Ancestors sang they passed on everything the people needed for survival including knowledge about food, tools, healing and the seasons. 

Yijilg, from about December to February, is the wet season when there are heavy rains and travel can be difficult. 

Wulujujun, from February to March, is the end of the wet season.

Wujerrijin, from April to September, is the dry season when it is cold and skies become clearer. 

When March flies come in September or October that means it’s the end of the dry season and the start of the buildup.

When they start biting it means freshwater crocodiles are laying their eggs.

Ngurruwun, from September to November, is the hot season, summer, when the ground becomes hot to walk on. 

At Ngurruwun, the first rains begin, the flowers come on.

The flower comes on to tell the people that it's going to rain soon.

Changes to plants and animals across the seasons are written into the stories of the stars.